• Yogam. Siddham.
    Dhavathiru Aakikce Egilane Lebel
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    The Great saint /poet THIRUMOOLAR has explained about the functioning of the energy of the sound "OMKAR" OR PRANAVA SHAKTHI in his text THIRUMANTHIRAM IN PART – VERSE...
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    traditional medicines
    The association of the term siddha with medicine seems a relatively recent phenomenon...
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    a traditional system from sidhars
    This principle is widely researched by the Seers in their meditation and who had realized the truth of the above said saying,
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இயம நியமமே எண்ணிலா ஆதனம்
நயமுறு பிராணாயாமம் பிரத்தி யாகாரஞ்
சயமிகு தாரணை தியானஞ் சமாதி
அயமுறும் அட்டாங்க மாவது மாமே...
552 Thirumanthiram Attangayogam்

TThe Great saint –poet THIRUMOOLAR has defined YOGA and explained the above said three stages. The word “ASHTNAGA YOGA” means in TAMIL language as consisting of eight parts known as “ASHTANGA YOGA”(The word Ashtanga means consisting of eight).

In the following verse the Great SAINT –POET and SEER THIRUMOOLAR has described the ASTANGA YOGA –1ST STAGE.(Read more...)


Seer Thirumoolar

To know the tradition, culture and the significance of Tamilnadu and have the Darshan ( i.e.,meeting of Holy Persons ) of Sage Agasthya , a Saint who was well versed in Astangayoga started towards Pothigaimalai ( Mount Pothigai), who had the good blessings of the Nandi Deva. on his way he worshiped Gods of Kedarnath,Pasupathinath,Nepal,Kasi ( i.e. Varanasi ), kalasthi and Kanchi.



A person before beginning to practice the art of yogic postures or Asanas, he has to strictly adhere to the principles enshrined in the IYAMAUM AND NIYAMUM and thereby make oneself eligible for the practice of ASANA with the concentration of mind. The practice of the art of the Yogic Postures with the perfect co-ordination of the Mind, Body and Life enables one to attain SIDDHU


Traditional Siddha Medicines

Siddha medicine is a form of traditional medicine originating in southern India.[1] It is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. In Siddha Medicine, Aakikce is in collaboration with the French Government Research Institute for the help on the basis of research to create a documentary that explains Siddha (paranormal) medical specialties. ...



Aakikceyogam, Publication Department is one of the tradionaly aligned spirutual line publication trust in India. It was started in the year 1993 by Aakikce Thiru Egilan Lebel, a direct disciple of Thirumanthiram. From its inception, the Publication trust has played a prominent role in propagating the universal message of Seer Thirumular. The books published had been an infallible source of inspiration to the millions of spiritual seekers across the world. The books of our Aakikceyogam Order form the source of rich spiritual heritage of India..
Let's bring more spirutual truth into the world.


Treasury of Yoga

The human life when it begins to take form in the womb of the mother it is a fascinating blend of ninety-six (96) principles , 72,000 nerves and indirectly functioning 108 varma point otherwise known as Nerve Centers or Nerve junctions, ( These nerve junctions are life giving points to individual organs of the human body without which the organs cannot function at all) which is in turn a communion of sperm and a human egg .The visible physical body with life and its true wisdom is based on the proper understanding and the proper functioning of the Aru Adharams otherwise called as invisible six Energy centers namely Mooladaharam, Swathistanam, Manipurakam, Anakatham, Visuthi, Aankiya and these energy centers act as both as transmitters and receivers of energy from the universe.

If a man perceives the inner meaning of the Omkara Nadam or Omkara Sound and also understands the true nature of the human feelings, the true philosophy of education ,the true art of living by using the pure, true spiritual mind and by introspection and attains salvation is also defined to be YOGA. If one goes beyond the functioning of the six energy centers and enters the space and by his true wisdom researches the planets, especially the SUN, MOON, The STARS and other PLANETS and crystal clearly perceives their nature and the human potential or human energy relating with the universal energy in an equal state of energy level and thereby develops and maintains a mutual relationship and attaining this state is said to be the COMPLETE YOGA.
(Read more...)

FAQ Toggle

  • What Is Yoga?

    If a man perceives the inner meaning of the Omkara Nadam or Omkara Sound ,and also understands the true nature of the human feelings, the true philosophy of education ,the true art of living by using the pure, true spiritual mind and by introspection and attains salvation is also defined to be YOGA. If one goes beyond the functioning of the six energy centers and enters the space and by his true wisdom researches the planets, especially the SUN, MOON, The STARS and other PLANETS and crystal clearly perceives their nature and the human potential or human energy relating with the universal energy in an equal state of energy level and thereby develops and maintains a mutual relationship and attaining this state is said to be the COMPLETE YOGA.

  • What is Important Guidelines to be kept in mind before practicing Yogasanas

    • 1. Before beginning to practice the Yogasanas one’s bowels should be clean and stomach should be empty. That is in other words one should not practice Yogasanas after taking food or before it is completely digested and also when he has not completely excreted the wastes.
    • 2. Before beginning to practice the Yogasanas one should wear loose clothes and it should never use tight fitting clothes.
    • 3. Before beginning to practice the Yogasanas one can take some water if required.
    • 4. After doing hard, tiring physical work one should not begin the practice of Yogasanas.
    • 5. One should not begin to practice the Yogasanas, if he or she is mentally depressed or deeply worried about something.
    • 6. One should not practice the Yogasanas in a place which is noisy in other words it should be done in a quiet and calm place.
    • 7. One should not practice the Yogasanas in open places.
    • 8. One should not practice the Yogasanas after having sexual intercourse.
    • 9. One should not practice the Yogasanas after roaming in hot sun and before the body heat gets stablised.

  • Important Guidelines to be kept in mind during the practice of Yogasanas

    • 1. At the time of practising the Yogasanas one’s mind should concentrated and calm, peaceful i.e. mind should be serene.
    • 2. One should practice each and every Yogasana or posture slowly and steadily and in a comfortable way depending upon one’s capacity.
    • 3. At the time of practising some Yogasanas wherein body is 14 tightened one should completely exhale and thereby keep the lungs and stomach empty.
    • 4. At the time of practising some Yogasanas one’s breathing should bestow and deep and it never should be shallow.
    • 5. While performing some Yogasanas which require body bending or body straightening or moved towards sides one should completely and thoroughly exhale and only thereafter attempt to perform the posture.
    • 6. At the end of completing the practice of Yogasanas one should compulsorily practice the Shanthi asana or the Shanthi posture which is meant to rejunevate both the mind and the body.

Classes GoinG on

  • 1. Classes for Children

    அஃசி சித்தர் யோகம் மெய்தத்துவ ஆய்வு நடுவம் உழவர்கரை, புதுச்சேரி. 605010
    :அன்புடையீர் !
    சிறுவர்களுக்கான யோகப் பயிற்சி வகுப்பை செம்மை படுத்துவதற்காக கீழ்கண்ட நடைமுறைகளைப் பின்பற்ற முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. தங்கள் பிள்ளைகள் சிறப்பான முறையில் பயிற்சி பெறஇதற்கு முழு ஒத்துழைப்பு நல்குமாறு பெற்றோர்கள் கேட்டுக் கொள்ளப்படுகிறார்கள்.

    • 1. 10 வயதுக்கு மேற்பட்ட மாணவர்கள் மட்டுமே யோகப் பயிற்சி வகுப்பில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்ளப்படுவார்கள்.
    • 2. வகுப்பு சனிக்கிழமை மாலை 5.30 மணிக்குத் தொடங்கி இரவு 7.00 மணிக்கு நிறைவுபெறும். பிள்ளைகளை காலதாமதமாக வகுப்புக்கு அழைத்து வருவது,காலதாமதமாக அழைத்துச் செல்வது ஆகியவை முற்றிலுமாக தவிர்க்கப்பட வேண்டும்.
    • 3. மாணவர்கள் தொடர்ச்சியாக வகுப்பிற்கு வருவதையும், தொடர்ந்து வீட்டில் தினமும் பயிற்சி செய்வதையும் பெற்றோர்கள் ஊக்கப்படுத்த வேண்டும். 3 வாரங்கள் தொடர்ந்து வகுப்பிற்கு வரவில்லை என்றால், அதன் பிறகு அவர்கள் வகுப்பில் அனுமதிக்கப்படமாட்டார்கள்.
    • 4. சூன் மாதம், முதல் வாரம் மற்றும் விஜயதசமி அன்று புதிய மாணவர்கள் சேர்க்கை நடைபெறும். ஆண்டின் இதர நாட்களில் புதிய மாணவர்கள் சேர்க்கைக்காக யாரும் தொடர்பு கொள்ள வேண்டாம்.
    • 5. 02.04.2016 அன்றுடன் தற்காலிகமாக யோக வகுப்பு நிறைவு பெறுகிறது. அடுத்த வகுப்பு 04.06.2016 அன்று (சனிக்கிழமை மாலை) தொடங்கும்.
                                                                                 - நிர்வாகம்

  • 2.Yoga Classes for Adults

  • 3. Thiruneri

  • 4. Maruthuvam

Ashtanga yoga

  • One


    If one’s feelings and thoughts are good and balanced, (i.e. by abstaining from telling lies in other words telling the truth, by being Non-jealous and by doing good and moral deeds) his circulatory system will be regular, balanced and good. That is to say when regular, adequate and good supply of blood in ensured to the internal organs of the human body, it enables all the organs to function actively, properly and rightly and thereby ensures perfect health and immunity. This state of physical health and immunity ensures the mind to be calm and serene i.e., without any oscillations of thought // feelings or wards off any indecisive nature. This state of mental health i.e., calmness and serenity ensures the mind to get enlightened. The enlightenment ensures wisdom that is much more powerful and forceful. The more the enlightenment the more the wisdom and leads one to attain the state of perfect, spiritual enlightenment

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  • Two


    Niyamaum means to chant Mantras or Sacred incantations, to perform poojas or worship. The yagams, Velvis and Homams in Tamil Language refer to a form of worship of Gods or Deities in which a Sacred Fire is lit inside Yaga Kundams ( Yaga Kundams are brick built small chambers of various shapes or sizes to lit the sacred fire. If velvi is performed then it known as velvi kundam and Homam is performed it is Known as Homa kundam ) and dried or green Herbal Plants, roots, shoots, leafs, fruits, barks, seeds of such herbal plants are put into the holy fire to invoke the blessings of the Gods, Deities and the gases which emanate from such burning of herbs also helps to 10 close the holes in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. This is one of the main benefit to the whole human kind on this Earth by proper and periodic performance of such yagams ,velvis and Homams…

  • Three


    A person before beginning to practice the art of yogic postures or Asanas, he has to strictly adhere to the principles enshrined in the IYAMAUM AND NIYAMUM and thereby make oneself eligible for the practice of ASANA with the concentration of mind. The practice of the art of the Yogic Postures with the perfect co-ordination of the Mind, Body and Life enables one to attain SIDDHU or THE PERFECT 12 SPIRITUAL WISDOM. The steady practice of the ASANAS increases the Potency and Vitality of the inner organs of our Body.

  • Four


    The Seers declare that the end point of Nostrils is the abode of GOD. நாசி நுனியே ஈசன் இருப்பிடம். The air which passes through both left and right nostrils of the human body forms the basis for one’s thinking and activities. The performance of one’s duty and its success and failure depends upon his proper use or manner of breathing. one has to regulate rightly the air which passes through his nostrils in other words he has to adopt to yogic form of breathing…

  • five


    To bring the five senses of the body under one’s control and thereby bring the body under total control and attain inner peace.

  • six


    It is attaining the total control over the involuntary functions of the internal organs as one brings in or stablises the control of the five senses.



Siddham. Yogam. Varmam.

Aakikce Siddhar Yogam Meithathuva Research Trust & Research center.

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  • ஓங்காரி என்பாளவளொரு பெண்பிள்ளை நீங்காத பச்சை நிறத்தை யுடையவள் ஆங்காரி யாகியே ஐவரைப் பெற்றிட்டு ரீங்காரத்துள்ளே இனிந்திருந்தாளே.
    1073 Thirumanthiram Attangayogam்
  • இயம நியமமே எண்ணிலா ஆதனம் நயமுறு பிராணாயாமம் பிரத்தியாகாரஞ் சயமிகு தாரணை தியானஞ் சமாதி அயமுறும் அட்டாங்க மாவதமாமே.
    552 Thirumanthiram Attangayogam்
  • நெறியைப் படைத்தான் நெருஞ்சில் படைத்தான் நெறியில் வழுவின் நெருஞ்சில் முட்பாயும் நெறியில் வழுவா தியங்கவல் லார்க்கு நெறியின் நெருஞ்சில்முட் பாயகி லாவே.
    1617 Thirumanthiram Attangayogam்
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Aakikve Sidhar Yogam meithathuva Aaaivu arakkattalai aanadhu 30 varudangalukku munbu Thavathiru Aakikce Egilane Lebel Avargalaal Ouyarntha Nokkanthudan niruvappattadhu, Endha iyakkathin Uyarndha kurikolanadhu Yogathinai pazhamai mararam Thirumoola Dhevral karpikkapatta bodhanai muraiyil siridhum pazhamail maramal anaivaraum erai pokkizhathirnai arinthu payanperum vagaiyil arambithu tharpothu periyakkamaga thelindha parvaiyudan seyalpattukondirukirathu.

Ingu yogam smbanthamana vaguppugal mattrum thirunery nerimuraigal adangiya paadhayil anaivarukkum siddharalin aiya pokkishathinai sariyanavargaluku bothikka padugiradhu...


Aakikceyogam Research Trust, Puducherry